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笔者以土家族摆手舞的起名、形式、内容分别产生于宗教信仰、战争及劳动生产为切入点,解析了土家族摆手舞的大摆、小摆两种表演形式,进而对土家族摆手舞的原生性、战争性、祭祀性、审美性的风格特征进行了阐述,最后对土家族摆手舞的屈膝、颤动、顺拐、同边、直立跳摆及绕圈跳摆的舞蹈形态特征进行了剖析。以期推动土家族摆手舞被越来越多的人所认识。  相似文献   
研究目的与方法:采用《情感量表》和《应对方式量表》对南京高尔夫球场工作者进行调查分析。研究结果:南京高尔夫行业工作者,专业对口达75%,83.3%是大专学历,月薪2 500元以下占80.6%;工作3年(不含)以上的心理满意度总分显著高于0-3年的工作者(P<0.05),从得分来看,男性心理满意度略高于女性,月薪高的人群心理满意度略高一些;遇到问题时男性比女性更多的采用积极应对方式,而且存在显著性差异(P<0.05)。工作0-3年采取消极的应对方式低于工作3年以上的人且存在显著性差异(P<0.05),月薪2 500以下比2 500元以上更多的采取积极的应对方式,而且存在显著性差异(P<0.05)。  相似文献   
作为美国戏剧界最为著名的剧作家之一,威廉斯在剧作中塑造了“边缘人”这一典型形象。结合作家的同性恋身份及自身所处的边缘性立场,划分归纳出剧作中“边缘人”的两个类型即没落的南方淑女及男同性恋者。通过对这两类“边缘人”艰难的生存处境及精神危机的分析,表达了作家尊重个体差异、同情弱势群体的人道主义立场及倡导文化多元共生的文化观念。  相似文献   
明弘治五年(1492年)析宜山县地设置永定、永顺长官司以及永顺副长官司,隶属庆远府并由宜山县承审,是英明的政治决策;作为政治管理的载体,所划出三土司民族政区地理,也是科学而合理的。  相似文献   
生活垃圾是影响农村环境的主要因素之一。农村生活垃圾数量大,成分复杂,处理艰难,可通过分类分拣、卫生填埋、高温焚烧、堆肥处理,沼气发酵、蚯蚓利用等技术,实现生活垃圾减量化、资源化、无害化。  相似文献   
“众生心”是《大乘起信论》的重要概念,它能开显出“心真如”和“心生灭”二门,一心开二门架构中的一心就是众生心。众生心开显出二门,二门不相离,却又不等同,心真如是真实的存在,心生灭却是幻化的现象。心真如虽是佛法之根本,然而真如本性的示现,却必须以心生灭所产生的染法为中介,才能被愚痴众生所明白,也就是所谓的真如并不存在于生灭之外。众生心的真如门使凡人求佛有了实现的可能性,生灭门则为人们认识佛法提供了必要条件,从而使大乘佛法得以全部地显现。因此,只有对众生心加以全面地阐析,才能了解大乘佛法的真谛。  相似文献   
作风问题一直以来是中国共产党廉政建设的关注重点,新的形势下,作风问题集中体现在“四风”问题上,而这些作风问题在高校中也不同程度地存在着。通过随机抽样方法调查福建省某高校党员干部的“四风”问题,总结归纳其主要表现,从理想信念、相关制度、监督力度、社会观念等四个方面分析高校“四风”问题产生的原因,并在此基础上提出加强高校党员干部的约束力度、推进高校办公事务公开化和民主化、健全高校党员干部监督体制、延伸监督范围等具有针对性的可行对策。  相似文献   
Based on a qualitative study involving 124 professional and managerial class families in Catalonia (Spain), this paper describes the aims and objectives these families have for the education of their children. During the fieldwork, when asked what they were aiming for in the education of their children, almost all of the parents replied ‘for them to be happy’. But what kind of happiness are they talking about? What kind of education might lead to happiness? Drawing principally on the work of Kellerhals and Montandon and their ‘contractual model of education’ and Bauman’s concepts of ‘secondary security’ and ‘homo eligens’, although also taking into account the related contributions of Lareau, Vincent and Ball, Stefansen and Aarseth, and Kusserow, the paper aims to demonstrate the strong connection these families make between happiness and ‘absolute’ autonomy, understood as two sides of the same coin and seen, by the participants, as the guiding principle that should shape the way they bring their children up.  相似文献   
森认为现代社会几种典型的平等理论——功利主义的效用平等观、罗尔斯的基本善平等观、诺齐克的权利平等观、德沃金的资源平等观——均存有对不平等的遮蔽之不足。森通过"能力评价体系",说明不平等实质上是个体的不同等的实现美好生活的能力,其内容主要包含"生活内容"、"能力"与"自由"等范畴。我们认为,森的能力不平等观的重大现实价值在于其将有利于人们用更宽广的视野来认识不平等问题,并要求政府行为与公共政策不再仅仅以增加个体收入为中心,促使人们更加认识到参与是发展的重要目标。  相似文献   
Computational thinking (CT) is vital for success in numerous domains. However, the nature, definition, and scope of CT are ill-defined, and research on how best to develop CT is very limited. This study focused on how thinking styles and STEM attitudes have effects on computational thinking. Using a proportionate stratified random sampling procedure, 1195 students from two universities were surveyed. A structural equation modeling analysis showed that students' thinking styles and STEM attitudes directly predicted their computational thinking skills and that thinking styles mediated the relationship between STEM attitudes and computational thinking skills. Thinking styles and STEM attitudes are strong predictors of CT skills. Based on the results, we recommended that the conceptualization of CT be broadened to reflect its trans-disciplinary nature within the context of STEM education. This study adds to the limited theoretical understanding of CT and CT-predictors in higher education, which has been studied much less than in K-12 education.  相似文献   
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